Join us for Special Christmas Worship
Wednesday 18th December 7.00pm Carol Service at Broom
Friday 20th December 10.00am Coffee and Carols at Wickersley
Sunday 22nd December
10.30am Family Fun Church Nativity at Broom
10.30am Cafe style Christingle at Clifton
10.30am Christingle at Rawmarsh
3.00pm All age Carol Service at Piccadilly
3.00pm Carol Service at Wickersley
6.00pm Nine lessons and carols at Whiston
Christmas Eve
3.00pm Holy Communion at Wickersley
4.00pm Carols and Christingle at Central
6.00pm Worship at Furlong Road
11.30pm Holy Communion at Clifton
Christmas Day
10.00am Family Service at Wickersley (with Broom)
10.00am Family Service at St John's
10.30am Family Service at Clifton
11.00am Celebration at Whiston
Charity Number: 1132844
01709 372863
Circuit Office
18 Queensway
S60 3EE