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3Generate 2023

3gen district picture

On the 6th of November , a group of volunteers made up from members of our churches and Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Brigade leaders took a group of young people to 3Generate for the weekend!

3Generate, is the children's and youth assembly of the Methodist Church. It aims to create an inclusive and diverse space for the prophetic voice of children and young people to emerge and be heard. It enables them to speak courageously, and listen to God and each other. Through the 3Generate process, children and young people are equipped to become participants in advocacy, change and growth and have an impact in their local Methodist communities. 3Generate calls the Church to listen to, and be in relationship and dialogue with and amongst, children and young people, so that change can happen together as a community.

3Generate was held at the NEC in Birmingham and the venue was completely transformed for this event. The space included a ‘village hall’ , ‘wilderness space’, ‘outdoor park’ and sensory aided spaces for quiet worship. We took a look at the in depth programme together, then split into groups to decide on our own personalised schedule. This event is naturally made for our young people to explore and discover themselves ( with guided support from leaders where needed ) – so they have the freedom to try different workshops throughout the weekend. We did come back together as a group at points during the day for mealtimes and to check in alongside group worship together.

Some of the highlights from our young people included activities like: the climbing wall, interactive art space / exploring Eularia Clarke’s artwork, the inflatable church, answering ‘big questions’ together in the Village Hall, visiting the therapy dogs and spending time together for worship in the ‘Park’.

Overall we had a fun filled weekend together at 3Generate and our young people are very excited about attending again in the future!

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